Essential Oil Beauty Hacks


Essential oils have been used for thousands of years in various cultures for medicinal and health purposes. Now, we are discovering many uses in the beauty department. Below we've gathered which oils can seriously improve your beauty routine. Read on to learn more!


Chamomile OilChamomile helps calm the skin. It can soothe irritated areas like acne scars and sunburns.


Ylang-Ylang OilYlang-ylang is commonly used on hair to protect against salty ocean water, and it can promote hair growth and thickness.


Thyme OilThyme has antibacterial properties that can help control and battle acne. It can also be used as a DIY toner when mixed with witch hazel.


Geranium OilGeranium can be used as an anti-aging oil. It has astringent properties that can tighten loose skin and antioxidants that help stimulate cell turnover. Aka -- > fewer wrinkles!


Calendula OilCalendula is great for acne prone skin. It can reduce redness and swelling. It can also be used to minimize under-eye bags.


Jasmine OilJasmine is known for it's ability to improve the elasticity of your skin. It can also be used to fade stretch marks and acne scars.